
  • London,  Travel,  UK

    London Gems: Ultimate Christmas Walk Guide

    November-December period is a magical time in London. By now you have probably read my blog post about my top Christmas experiences and top Christmas shops in London. Today, I present you with Part 3 in sharing my tips and suggestions for an unforgettable Christmas experience – it’s the ultimate guide for Christmas walk around central London. It may take you a day or may be longer, but I can guarantee you that it will be great fun and you will see all of the major city attractions and shops. Shall we start?! I suggest we begin our Christmas walk at the London Bridge, which is a great tourist destination due to the…

  • London,  Travel,  UK

    London Gems: My Top 5 Christmas Experiences

    Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and if you are in London around late November- December, you will definitely feel it. The whole city is lit up with Christmas lights turning into a magical kingdom and there is so much to do and see. But there are certan Christmas experiences that every Londoner or visitor should definitely check out. The following are my five most favorite Christmassy things worth experiencing or doing in London: 1.Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland This is definitely the biggest theme park in London dedicated to Christmas. It’s an amazing playground both for kids and adults offering a huge variety (over 100) of rides from scary…

  • London,  Travel,  UK

    London Gems: My Top 5 Christmas Shops

    Many people already know that London is a shopping paradise for many Brits and foreign visitors but during Christmas shopping becomes even more fun. Head to central London around Oxford Circus and Regent Street or Knightsbridge not only to snatch some good deals and buy gifts for the loved ones, but also check out their bespoke Christmas shops and themed window displays beautifully designed and executed. If you are looking for the most exquisite Christmas decorations and overall great shopping experience, I suggest my personal top 5 department stores. Their Christmas shops are best in town and offer everything one needs for a perfect Christmas!   Fortnum and Mason I…

  • London,  Travel,  Voyager

    Christmas at the Magical Lantern Festival

    Every year we have a routine of visiting our favorite places in London to see Christmas lights. But there is one place that is very special – the Magical Lantern Festival. Traditionally held in January (read my January 2016 and 2017 reviews), this year we are lucky to have it in December right before the Christmas holidays. It’s been now our third year going to the festival and it doesn’t fail to impress us. Just see the photos for yourself! Held in the Chiswick House and Gardens, the Magical Lantern Festival is an impressive light display that takes you on an enchanting journey, following park’s trails. Depending on a theme,…

  • Fashion,  London,  Stylish

    6 Things I Love and Loathe About London Fashion Week

    As New York Fashion Week finished and London Fashion Week (LFW) just started this week, I wanted to share some of my insights and honest opinion of positive and not so positive experiences of attending LFW few years ago. Don’t get me wrong, I was incredible fortunate to attend several designer shows and rub shoulders with fellow London fashionistas, which I documented here, here and here. But despite their allure, fashion weeks also reveal a less glamorous side of the fashion world… THINGS I LOVED 1.Creative buzz – twice a year London transforms into a beehive of buzzing fashion editors, photographers, celebrities, bloggers, PR girls and models roaming from venue to venue. Central London, especially around…

  • London,  Travel,  UK

    Sketch Me If You Can

    “Sketch!” I told my husband without any hesitation when he asked me where I wanted to go to celebrate my 40th birthday. You see, this restaurant has been on my ‘places to visit in London’ list for a while now because it’s really cool. So cool that Sketch has a large following, including celebrities, around the world and huge presence in social media (120K of Instagram followers!). Imagine feeling like Alice in Wonderland wandering through dark hallways, from room to room, each very different and slightly eccentric and disorienting. When I entered Sketch, I felt like I walked into a secret magical place tucked away from the peering eyes. The…

  • London,  Travel,  UK

    London Gems: ‘Diana: Her Fashion Story’ Exhibition

    There are hundreds of new exhibits opening in London every year. But there is always one that creates a lot of buzz and everyone is looking forward to. This year Londoners have been waiting for the opening of ‘Diana: Her Fashion Story’ at the Kensington Palace with much anticipation. The exhibit is part of the series of events commemorating Diana’s life and paying tribute to the 20th anniversary of her tragic death. It takes visitors through her 25 pieces of her much praised wardrobe and explores Princess Diana’s style evolution from a shy young woman to a international fashion icon. On a sunny April day I set off for the Kensington Palace…